Minggu, 06 Juli 2014

Mini Research Library Presuniv 2014


Program : English III
Lecturer : Marc Carmichael Brown

1.    Imam Nurhidayat                      (004201300023)
2.    M Yafi Maulidin                        (004201300029)
3.    Mochamad Didit Prakoso         (004201300032)
4.    Rahadian Idwakidi                    (004201300040)

Major : Industrial Engineering

Jababeka Education Park Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Kota Jababeka, Cikarang Baru, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17550 Telp. (021) 8910 9762-63, Fax : (021) 8910 9768 E-mail : enrollment@president.ac.id, http://www.president.ac.id

Executive Summary

Terms of References

This report is being written to fulfill our group English assignment about the aspect of President University. This report is for our lecturer Mr. Marc Carmichael Brown. The due date of this report is by the 6th of July.


We got our data through interview of the head of library, distributing questionnaires to some students who used the library, and some resources from the internet.


1.      The library still lacking in collections.

2.      The facilities of the library are not enough to fulfill the requirements of the students and the requirements of Indonesian National Standards for University Library.

3.      The area of the library is not big enough.


We found that the Adam Kurniawan Library still lack of collections and facilities. From the questionnaires result we can see that there are still some students who feel unsatisfied with the books, the room conditions and the facilities which are provided by the library.


1.      The library should add more collections.

2.      The library should improve the quantity and quality of the facilities provided.

3.      The library should enlarge its area in order to accommodate more collections and more students at once.



1           Introduction

This report is being written to fulfill our group English assignment about the aspect of President University. This report is for our lecturer Mr. Marc Carmichael Brown. The due date of this report is by the 6th of July.

2           Findings

2.1         Research Methodology

We got our data through interview of the head of library, distributing questionnaires to some students who used the library, and some resources from the internet.

2.2         Adam Kurniawan Library

Library is the heart of a university and the centre of knowledge. As a library in university, Adam Kurniawan library consists of book collections, reading room, discussion room, computer facility and Wi-Fi. The collections of Adam Kurniawan library are text books to support lecturing materials, thesis, journals, internship reports and others (maps, novels, magazine, fictions, etc.)

By those collections, this library has about 6000 books with 33.3% is management book and about 700 books in average for each other major. The collections of the library are written in English 80%, Bahasa 15%, and Chinese 5%. The library gets the books from 75% purchase and 25% charity or gift. For people who want to visit the library, it is open from 8 am until 9.30 pm from Monday until Friday. The library is open for public, but people who are not the students, lecturers, or staffs of PU can not borrow the books.

In the development of the library, the books, thesis and journals can be accessed from the library LAN(Local Area Network) at and at http://elibpresuniv.pusku.com/opac/. The head of library also said that in the future, all of the e-library access will be integrated to http://elibpresuniv.pusku.com/opac/. He also said that today the access is still limited, because all database is not completely updated. Otherwise, the student now can access the thesis from that site and use it for reference.

2.3         Comparison with Other University Library

2.3.1   Swiss German University Library

Swiss German University (SGU) is one of the international standard university in Indonesia. In this session we got the information about the SGU Research Library. The books collections of Swiss German University (SGU) are approximately 10,654 books. Those books are separated by the educational level and their faculty. The books collections can also be accessed electronically at http://www.sgu.ac.id/coursebooks and at http://www.sgu.ac.id/researh-library. Besides that, SGU also has other collections, such as 107 scientific journals and 1,050 thesis.

The Research library is open every week day at 08.00 - 17.00, Saturday at 09.00 - 14.00 and semester break at 08.00 - 17.00. As a university library, it has a rules and regulations about the membership which are Students, Lecturers (Part-time, semi full-time and Full-time) and SGU Non-Academic Staffs.

2.3.2   University of Indonesia Library

As a university which has a very large occupation, UI has a library center to support their students. Type of collections in a library generally tailored to the type of the library and its users. Collection development is also adapted to the purpose or vision of an institution in which the library shelter. Colleges’ libraries, as well as the UI Library, a collection development policy generally provides the aims to support the programs of Tri Dharma University, which is to support the education, teaching and research.

Types of collections available in UI Library consist of printed and non-printed. The collections of printed type are reference books, text books, journals, magazines, news papers, and UI-ana Collection (work produced by students of UI such as thesis, research reports, inaugural speeches and papers). The collections of unprinted type are CD-ROM, disc, video, online database (online journal and e-book).

In 2007, the collections of UI libraries reached 1,500,000 books. UI Central Library is one of the largest in Asia collection. With the support of information systems based on information technology which is an online digital library information system, the visitor can search and download the collections provided at http://lib.ui.ac.id.

UI Library Building, known as the Crystal of Knowledge consists of 8 floors and multiple buildings that serve as the venue for various activities. Facilities at this building are divided into two, namely public facilities and library facilities. Public facilities managed by the Directorate General UI while the library facilities managed by the UI Libraries.

2.4         Indonesian National Standards for University Library

2.4.1   Collections   Collections Policy
College Library aims to provide library materials and access to information for users in the interests of education, research and community service.  Collection Type
Libraries develop the collection based on college dharma activities.  Scientific Magazine
Libraries subscribe to at least one scientific magazine title for each program of study that offered by the college and graduate diploma programs and two titles for graduate programs.  Collection adding
Addition collection of at least 2% of the number of titles or at least two hundred titles per year whichever is greatest.  Count back
Count re-executed at least once a year.  Weeding
Library weeding the library materials damaged and could not be fixed and cannot be converted to another format, the material is available in large quantities. Implementation is customized with collection development policies and rules that apply.  Electronic library materials
The library provides access to electronic information including internet resource, and databases.

2.4.2   Building

Libraries provide the building with sufficient space for collection, staff and users. Libraries should provide a space of at least 0.5 m2 for each student.  Space collection
Collection area is covering 45% of the library which consists of a collection of books, multimedia room, and living room magazine collection.  User space
User space is consisting of 30% of the reading room, with a separated reading table, a special reading room, discussion room, closet catalogue/computer, circulation desk, day-care bag and toilet.  The staff room
Space library staff consisted of 25% of the processing room, bindery room, meeting room, storage space new books received, kitchen and toilet.
College Library aims to provide library materials and access to information for users in the interests of education, research and community service.

2.4.3   Organizing the library materials.  The material is organized so that the library can be quickly and precisely recover.  Library materials described, clarified and arranged systematically by using:
- Guidelines and bibliographic descriptions or metadata;
- Chart clarification;
- Guidelines and subject code or thesaurus;
- Guidelines for the determination of the main entry canopy.  Preservation of library materials
Preservation of library materials include activities to prevent and control of physical damage and or transferring contents of a format to another format.

2.4.4   Library services  Library opening hour’s dharma activities tailored to the needs of at least fifty-four hours per week.  Services provided include:
- Service circulation interlibrary
- Loan service
- Service reference user
- Service education service
- User education and information literacy to students and faculty gets the
- Search services.

2.4.5   Information Technology and communication

The libraries are adopting information and communication technology.  Information systems
Library can use information systems as appropriate.  Software
Library use software that can help processing and information services, management information systems, and administrative operations  Hardware
Library is using information and communication technology equipment to support the development, services, access to information and collaboration with other libraries.

2.4.6   Budget

Library budget at least 5% of the total budget of universities outside personnel expenditure.

2.5         Questionnaires Result

The books collections are complete enough.
The books are compatible as the reference for research or report.
The condition of the room is conducive for learning and reading.
The conditions of the books in the library are good.
The support facilities such as Wi-Fi, computer, discussion room, etc. are useful and comfortable to use.


From this data we can see that from 30 respondents, only about 17% or about 5 of them responded positively that the books collection of the library are complete enough. The other 83% of the students responded negatively about this matter. This means that from most of the respondents’ point of view, the library’s books collections are not complete enough to fulfill their needs.


From this data we can see that about 67% of the respondents responded that the books are compatible as reference for their research or report. The other 33% responded that the books are incompatible as a reference. This means that some of the books in the library are not compatible to be used as a reference.


From this data we can see that about 60% of the respondents responded positively that the condition of the room is conducive for learning and reading. About 40% of the respondents responded negatively about this matter. This means that from most of the respondents’ point of view, the condition of the room is conducive despite the fact that the library is not big enough to accommodate a large amount of students at once.


The data shows that 53% of respondents responded that the conditions of the books are good. The other 47% of the respondents responded that the conditions of the books are not in good condition. This means that the books in the library require frequent maintenance in order to keep the conditions of the books.


The data stated that the respondents’ respond were divided into half. Half of them thought that the support facilities are useful and comfortable to use. The other half thought otherwise. This means that the support facilities need more improvement, whether on their quantity and quality

3           Conclusions

We found that the Adam Kurniawan Library still lack of collections and facilities compared to libraries form other universities which have the same degree as President University. The library also has not been able to fulfill the requirement for Indonesian National Standards for University Library.

From the questionnaires result we can see that the books collections of the library have not been able to meet the requirements of the students. There are still some students who feel unsatisfied with the books, the room conditions and the facilities which are provided by the library.

4           Recommendations

We recommend these things which should be done by the library:

1.         The library should add more collections, whether on books collections or other non-books collections such as magazines, news papers and journals.

2.         The library should improve the quantity and quality of the facilities provided in order to meet the requirements of the students and the requirements of Indonesian National Standards for University library.

3.         The library should enlarge its area in order to accommodate more collections and more students at once.

5           References

Indonesian Standards for University Library:

President University Online library:

Swiss German University online library:

University of Indonesia Online Library:

6           Appendices