Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

the citi problems

Imam Nurhidayat
IE’13 004201300023

The City Problems
Today, most of the cities in the world have five main problems. These problems are very common and different in each city, but in big city these problems are usually appear. The problems are traffic, population, pollution, unemployment and criminalities. The first problem, traffic, is the problem caused the mobility of the city is high, but not balanced with the road capacity. Usually, this problem will appear when rush hour, when the employee go to work, student go to school, also when they go home at the afternoon or evening. Then, population problems, it caused the CBR (Crude Birth Rate) of that city is high, but the average life of the citizen is long or the CDR (Crude death Rate) is low. This condition make the population of the city is over population. The third problem is about pollution. Pollution can become from factory production, traffic, and also the excretion of the animals. Usually pollution in the big city is caused by the factory production and cars exhaust at traffic. The next problem is unemployment, this problem appear when the citizen from the smaller city, they come ti the big city without any skill or less of skill. It makes them too difficult to get the job in the big city and make this problem. The last is about criminalities, because the live need is high, but they salary is still low, it make them to find another short cut. Then they do criminalities, like thief. Finally, from the explanation above, we can conclude that, most of them are happened in the big cities in the world and it caused each other. It also needs our responsibility as the citizen, to keep our environment safe and health.

Imam Nurhidayat
IE’13 004201300023

The City Problems
Today, most of the cities in the world have five main problems. These problems are very common and different in each city, but in big city these problems are usually appear and very terrible. The problems are traffic problems, over population, air and water pollution, unemployment and criminalities. The first problem, traffic, is the problem caused the mobility of the city. The peoples are busy to go to their work place, but unbalanced with the road capacity. Then it caused a lot of traffic jam in every traffic light. Usually, this problem will appear when rush hour, when the employee go to work, student go to school, also when they go home at the afternoon or evening. The traffic system in almost all cities in the world already updated and modified to give the best service and mobility. In the other side, when the government fix it, the number of private vehicle is rising, and it doesn’t make a sense with their effort to fix the problems. Unfortunately, this problem can be done when the citizen start to take public transportation, and the government give the best service for it.
Then, the population problem is the problem influence all around the world. Although some of the country in the world, the number of birth is low like in Belgium, but this problem still the problem in majority of the city in the world. This problem is caused by the CBR (Crude Birth Rate) of that city is high, but the average life of the citizen is long or the CDR (Crude Death Rate) is low. This condition make the population of the city is over population. Also, population problem can cause another problem that gives the effect to the city. The other problem that caused by population are poverty and education. Basically the overpopulation can be decreased by the mind concept of the citizen. The government can give the explanation or socialisation to their citizen. If it’s doesn’t work, the government can make the rules and regulation for having child. Like in China, because of China is the biggest population country in the world, makes the government give the rules for only having one children of each family.
The third problem is about pollution. We are as human being need fresh and health environment, but how about the pollution around us? Pollution can be caused by factory production, traffic, and also the excretion of the animals. Usually pollution in the big city is caused by the factory production and cars exhaust at traffic jam. In the Industrial district, factory production can impact directly to us. The smoke can break the composition of the air. Then, the other pollution that liquid can break the composition of the ground water, it makes the water become unhealthy, the bacteria can mutation and more dangerous to consume the water although the water boiled first. We cannot stay far from the factory, because the government income from the factory tax is high. The government should be care full to face this problem and this problem can fix or done by pollution treatment in each factory, so the pollution that contain dangerous material, can be filtered.
The next problem is unemployment. This problem appear when the citizen from the smaller city thought that in the bigger city, the job opportunity also bigger and they can easier to get the job. Then they come to the big city without any skill or less of skill, without experiences and less of information. Like in Indonesia, every year, a lot of people looking for job vacancies in Jakarta, but they don’t know where will they go, where will they apply, and less of preparation. It makes them too difficult to get the job and make this a big problem. Anyway, this problem can be fixing or can be decreased by the program of the government. The programs like job training, seminar and also give the subsidy for the student. Almost all of the people, they study to get the skill, but with the payment to study is expensive for them, so they can’t learn.
The last problem of the city is criminalities. The live cost in the city is high, but the citizens don’t have much salary or jobless, it makes them to find another short cut. Caused some of them are unstudied, then they do criminalities, like stealing the other staff. The criminalities become dangerous when the thieves starting to threaten their victims and push them. The thief’s usually equipped with gun, knife or something that usually used to hurt someone. When their victims refuse to give their staff, then they will be murdered or kidnaped. The more intelligent thief, they hack the government sites steal the important data and sell them to someone who is the enemy. Criminalities problem, are the most dangerous one, because it can be fight with each other or something worse. The government already have the rules and regulation for this one, also the Police already do their task. The people should support them to seriously face this problem, and make their environments safe starting from their own family.
Finally, from the explanation above, we can conclude that, most of them are happened in the big cities in the world. The worse problem is criminalities, because the impact can being dangerous and worse. The other problems make the environment un safe and unhealthy, like polution and traffic. Unemployment and population also give the another effect to the environtment. For the biggest solution is come from our responsibility as the citizen, to keep our environment safe and health.

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